Konsoll 2013 [SLIDES]
Many of you have requested I send the slides from my Konsoll 2013 presentation on successful indie game marketing and workshop on creating a killer landing page. Unfortunately, these files are gigantic and haven’t been getting along too well with email. But because sharing is caring, I’ve posted them to SlideShare for everyone to enjoy.
Konsoll 2013 Slides
Successful Indie Game Marketing: How to Market Your Indie Game with a $0 Budget
To become a successful indie game developer, you must first become a successful indie game marketer. Trouble is, for many indies, marketing doesn’t come naturally or fit the indie budget. No worries! This presentation exposes the most frugal, yet effective marketing tactics to get your game discovered and promoted. In addition, it provides actionable takeaways that can immediately increase your fanbase and cost $0 to execute.
Killer Landing Page Design: How to Turn Your Site’s Traffic into Paying Customers
If you’re like most most indie developers, your landing pages are your sales team. However, without stellar design, landing pages only convert 5% to 15% of traffic into customers. Not too good for your bottom line. In this workshop, you’ll learn the critical elements of page design and apply them to your own site for an in-workshop review. You’ll leave with the tools you need to boost your conversion rate to upwards of 50%, plus a sketch of your own site to get started with.
about 11 years agoI just wanted to say: thanks for sharing your advises. I think about starting a game project in a few months and your blog really gives me stuff to think upon. Please, keep going with this nice work :-)
about 11 years agoYou are most welcome. I'm glad you found it useful :)
about 11 years agoI also wanted to say thank you, I am part of a 2 man dev team and we are currently 6 months into roughly a 3 year project. I must say I have learned a great deal from your site and we plan on utilizing many of the methods mentioned here before we launch.
about 11 years agoThanks for the comment. So happy to hear the site has been of use for you!
Felipe Budinich (@FelipeBudinich)
about 11 years agoI saw your presentation (on youtube, not in person, sadly), and I wanted to say thanks, awesome information! Just found about your blog, I'll be reading it :)
about 11 years agoYou are most welcome! Thanks for the comment.
about 11 years agoHello Emmy! I would like to say that these two presentations you gave at Konsoll are brilliant information that always sticks to the back of my head.. The presentations also structures the information in a good way, easy to remember Thank you! :)
about 11 years agoGlad to hear it and thank you for the comment.
about 11 years agoHi Emmy, I just watched your Konsol 2013 video on youtube and I wanted to thank you for that wonderful presentation, I am working on a 2d platformer game and I am planning to launch it on google playstore next month. I will surely follow your marketing strategies. Thankyou
about 11 years agoHi Dinesh. Thank you for your comment and kind words. Good luck on your upcoming launch!
about 11 years agoHello ! Full of great stuff and fascinating things here. thank you (not handwrited ;)) for this ethical marketing concept. I Will put your badge on my website for support. Cya !
about 11 years agoHi Flavien, thank you for the comment and supporting ethical marketing! Let me know once your badge is up and I'll post your company's name and link back to you site from my page.
about 11 years agoHey! Great great presentation, loved it! Came in the right time, I will release my game this year and i'm really worried with marketing stuff. Still learning the best way to do it. the only problem in this moment is time, I just have 2 days a week to work in everything (saturday and sunday), and just a really few hours through the other days. Everything can be done, little by little, but these two points are REALLY HARD when you almost don't have time at all. "1. Set up social media channels and post daily 2. Become active in forums, blogs, and other relevant sites" these and all relationship maintenance stuff, when you don't have really much time to work in the game =/ Thanks again for the great great presentation! =)
about 11 years agoHi Ronaldo! Thanks for the comment. I completely understand how hard it is to do both of the items you mention because of the amount of time they require. For your social media, I would suggest using a tool like Hootsuite to schedule your posts ahead of time. That way, you can spend an hour or so each week to schedule all of your posts for the entire week. This helps avoid lags in activity due to not having the time to post on a daily basis. As far as the forums go...there is no easy way around this. Perhaps you could make an effort to spend 1 hour per week joining discussions and/or contributing material and scheduling this hour so you can plan ahead.
about 11 years agoHi. Just a question. I am not really sure when to start marketing our game. Like creating the facebook page / Twitter because we are still on our 1st month of development. When do we actually start it? :O after we finish half of the game? or better to start early?
about 11 years agoHi there! Thanks for the comment. There is no magic answer here other than "as early as you have something compelling to share." I would suggest setting up your Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and Website ASAP, just to have them and start getting some history on them (Google likes websites that have been around longer than those that are newer). Once you have something compelling to show (i.e., something that a potential player would find interesting, relevant or get value out of), start sharing. The game does NOT have to be complete to do this by any means. I would check out Castle Story's blog, as well as this article by me (https://www.indiegamegirl.com/self-promotion/) for ideas. Good luck!
about 10 years agois there a way i can get your videos subtittle wether in English or Spanish (there are some words i dont understand)- 98% of your talk i understand but i would like to know it completely. it was a very interesting talk and very clear :) i really enjoyed it
about 10 years agoHello Carol! So happy to hear that what you could understand of the talk, was helpful. Unfortunately, I don't have a version of the video with subtitles. Lo siento.
about 10 years agoOne of the best content on indie game marketing! Just started looking into the indie scene, my moniker ofcourse inspired by yours.
about 9 years agoHey Emmy, thanks for the great presentation, I just had one question if it's not too late to ask. You recommend getting writer contacts and staying in touch with them through social media. Do you suggest doing this personally or do you think it would look better to just reach out to them as a team?
about 8 years agoI think either is really fine, but sometimes it's nicer and more personal to speak with an individual over a company.
about 8 years agoHello my name is Amine and I am an indie game developer, thank you so much for those advises, they look very interesting that why I decide to try all what you said to market my indie games, now I finish developing my second game Mysteria 2 which is a second part of my first game Mysteria ... My best regards