Data-Driven Marketing for Effective Indie Game Promotion [KEYNOTE VIDEO]
Last month, I delivered a keynote on how to apply data-driven marketing to indie game promotion. The keynote was titled “It’s Not About You: A Scientific Approach to Effective Indie Game Marketing” and focused on target market research. In the keynote I provided step-by-step instruction on how to use data to identify your game’s primary target market(s), understand its needs and effectively communicate how your game fulfills those needs in marketing. The organizers of Konsoll 2014 (the conference in Bergen, Norway where I gave this keynote) recently made my lecture available on YouTube. So, I thought I would share it, along with my slides, with all of you by posting it on Indie Game Girl. Enjoy!
Data-Driven Marketing Keynote Abstract
Keynote Title: It’s Not About You
Sub Title: A Scientific Approach to Effective Indie Game Marketing
If your game’s target market was filled with your clones, marketing would be a cakewalk. You’d know with 100 percent certainty what’s most compelling about your game, and how to communicate it to score sales. In reality, however, you’ll be marketing to strangers who may not agree with your opinion. Don’t risk your campaign’s success on assumptions. In this presentation, learn how to take a data-driven marketing approach to build campaigns that resonate with your target market.
To watch the some of the other wonderful Konsoll 2014 lectures, including James Portnow of Extra Credits; Lee Petty of Double Fine Productions; Anna Marsh of Lady Shotgun; and Alex Trowers/Leanne Bayley, developers of Glyph Quest, click here to visit Konsoll’s YouTube channel.
IMPORTANT NOTE: many of you have requested that I make my slides from this presentation available because it’s too hard to see all of the text in the video. Next week, I will be updating this post with those slides.
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