Live PR Chat with Tap for Tap [Summary Notes]

Live PR Chat with Tap for Tap [Summary Notes]

Yesterday I participated in a live Twitter chat on the subject of PR with host Tap for Tap and several developers. During the chat, we discussed strategies to get more coverage for your game/app using PR. For those of you who weren’t able to make it to the live chat, Tap for Tap kindly posted the summary notes, which I copied below for your reading pleasure.

Summary Notes from the Live PR Twitter Chat

Here are the list of questions we covered during the live PR Twitter chat, as well as answer summaries.

  1. What criteria should you use to find and select publications to pitch your app to?
    • Make lists of publications to get everything organized.
    • If you have a large enough budget to hire a PR agency, that will free up a lot of time and hassle.
    • Collect stats on traffic, circulation, social media, etc. Try to collect editors’/writers’ contact info and twitter handles as well.
  2. What is the best way to connect with editors/writers at these publications (phone, email) and why?
    • Don’t be nervous of using the phone. We live in a web based world, picking up the phone and dialing a writer will go a long way.
    • Try developing a relationship with writers before you pitch. Follow them on multiple social media channels and share some of their previous articles.
    • Trade shows are an excellent opportunity to engage press. Reach out and schedule appointments.
    • Try using short grabbing sentences in an intro with an engaging subject line. Then list key benefits as bullets.
  3. What marketing materials should you have ready and available for editors/writers?
    • Definitely videos, press releases, screens and landing pages should be ready and available.
    • Have a great description, links to where to install the app/play the game.
    • To get ahead of the game, package everything together in a kit and or deck, and have it available on your site.
  4. How important is a trailer/teaser video when reaching out to publications and why?
    • A good 30-second video will do wonders to provide compelling content for writers to post. If you can’t say it in 30 seconds, then you need to redo it.
    • Videos naturally do better at explaining apps and getting people excited than text or static images.
  5. What elements make a good trailer/teaser video?
    • Grabbing intro, good app footage, strong call to action and clear explanation of key benefit (i.e., why should they buy, or install the product).
    • Indie Game Girl suggested watching the Dead Island trailer. It is a long trailer but can get away with it because it makes you want to watch by being super engaging.
  6. Does the relationship between you and an editor/writer end after that person does or does not write an article about your app? How do you continue the relationship?
    • Never, you worked so hard to get a response back, don’t let it die. A good tip is to send the editor/writer links to articles that you think they will enjoy, also make a effort to share and comment on their personal articles.
    • Do not get discouraged if they responded and decided not to cover your app. They might cover something else of yours down the road. Never risk burning your bridges.
    • Always try and send a personal thank you note, writers rarely receive or expect them. Hand written is even better.

About Tap for Tap

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Tap for Tap is a tap exchange. If you install Tap for Tap’s SDK, show ads and produce a tap for another developer, Tap for Tap will ensure you earn a tap back from another developer on its exchange. Learn more at

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Emmy Jonassen is a marketing pro who helps indie developers build adoring fanbases. Marketing people who love buzz words call this "lead generation."

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